The 8th edition of Hiking Trails of Nova Scotia was produced in 2002, and has been tremendously successful, with more than 15,000 copies having been purchased. However, the time has now come for it to be updated.
Beginning in May 2011, I will be conducting the fieldwork necessary to write updated route profiles for the book. I expect to be finished fieldwork by the end of September, and the first draft might be available to the publisher as soon as December 31. If I am able to meet this timetable, then the 9th edtion of Hiking Trails of Nova Scotia could be in bookstores as soon as April or May 2012.
At this point, nothing has been firmly established, and no trail is guarenteed a place. If you have a favourite trail that you think should be included in the next edition, please let me know. In addition, if there is a route in the book now that you think should be removed, I would like to hear that as well.
To add to the challenge, Hiking Trails of Cape Breton has gone out of print, and a replacement needs to be considered. This book was far less successful, with barely 5,000 copies printed. Should it be updated? Should it be folded back into Hiking Trails of Nova Scotia, where it was in editions one through seven? Or should it be rewritten under the same title? Please comment. I need to decide before I start my fieldwork.
Look forward to hearing your thoughts.